What is sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a simple and effective procedure that can help you love your legs again! It is a tried and true technique for eradicating spider and varicose veins without surgery. Sclerotherapy in Nashville at Jack & Jill Aesthetics consists of a few gentle injections, with minimal side effects or downtime.
Why do my veins look so atrocious?
You have about 100,000 miles of blood vessels in your body, many of which are very near the skin’s surface. Thankfully, most of them are hidden from sight. Why are a few particularly problematic ones visible, dark colored, sometimes even bulging? The answer is that these veins are not healthy, and they are not functioning properly.

How do veins work?
Blood moves through the circulatory system in a continuous “looping” flow. That means it only moves one direction. Veins in the legs must carry blood upward, against the gravitational pull. The process is assisted by muscles, because the contraction and relaxation of normal leg movement massages veins, pushing blood upward. Meanwhile, one-way valves prevent backflow.
Leg veins are quite efficient when healthy. They are also small enough that we don’t see them through the skin. However, a damaged valve can allow blood to pool, stretching the vascular walls. If it is near the surface, the swollen vessel may become visible, possibly even bulging above the natural skin surface.
What are the causes and risk factors for unsightly veins?
What makes these veins malfunction in the first place? There are many possible answers, and it is often a combination of factors. These include:
Occupation and lifestyle
Because muscle movement plays a role in leg circulation, regular exercise throughout the day is important. Frequent, extended periods of uninterrupted sitting or standing creates excess pressure in veins, potentially damaging the valve.
Changes or imbalances in certain hormones may contribute to weakening of the vascular walls, causing them to swell and separate from valves.
Family history
You may have inherited your spider or varicose veins.
Vascular disease
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a condition that prevents valves from functioning correctly. Individuals with CVI are at risk of spider and varicose veins, as well as other serious complications such as blood clots.
Extra weight adds pressure and increases the workload for veins, especially those in the legs. Over time, this can damage vascular lining and valves, particularly in individuals with a family history of vein disease or other risk factors.
Hormonal changes, the strain of additional weight, increased blood volume, and many other factors make expectant mothers especially susceptible to developing varicose veins.
What should I expect from the sclerotherapy procedure?
The sclerotherapy procedure consists of only a few small injections with sclerosing solution. The formula acts as an irritant to the lining of the vascular walls, eventually causing them to collapse, thereby sealing off the vessel. It does not travel to other veins, so healthy vessels will not be impacted. If you have multiple spider or varicose veins, the formula will be injected into each of them.
There are several options, and we will recommend the best one for you based on your needs. These include:

Traditional sclerotherapy
Older sclerosants were highly effective, but they were also known to be quite uncomfortable. Today, the formulations are much better, but the tried and true technique remains the same. Traditional sclerosants act directly on the lining of veins.
Foam sclerotherapy
This is a newer technique, but also has an excellent record of safety and effectiveness. These sclerosants do not rely on a reaction from the inner vascular walls. Instead, the foam expands to directly block the problematic vessels, effectively sealing them.
Sclerotherapy Testimonial
I've been here a couple of times. My last experience was great. I met with Kelsey and she was amazing. She worked with me and explained what the treatment would do. I was really impressed.
How long will my treatment take?
The appointment takes just minutes, with minimal side effects. New sclerosant formulas are gentle and effective, making them less likely to cause cramping. You will be able to resume most activities right away with little to no downtime. In fact, walking and light exercise is extremely beneficial in hastening healing and minimizing the risk of complications. However, you will need to use extra caution to avoid sun exposure and wear a compression garment for about a week.
What can I expect from my results?
Once the vein is sealed, your body begins to break down and detoxify the tissue. As the process occurs, the vein becomes lighter in color. It continues to fade over several weeks or months after treatment, until it is no longer visible.
The results are sustainable, meaning that a successfully treated vein will not return. However, if you have a history of varicose or spider veins, new ones are likely to develop in the future. If that occurs, they can be treated with additional sclerotherapy sessions.